Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Author: Qian Mi He
Chapters Count: 17


Are You A Princess? The Kind With A Ruined Reputation (3rd Story)

Description: Transmigrating into Ancient China…

Shen Wan: He wants to use my blood to detoxify the blackhole he calls a heart, it really cannot be sweet.

Leader: You do it.

Beautiful Princess: When I become the Emperess, I will put my elder brother in the fief.

Shen Wan later became the Queen and the readers commented, it was really sweet.

More Details:

Raw Link: http://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=4003142

I read this new novel I found while being bored out of my mind and it turns out that it’s not finished being translated by another group. Since I’m left with Chinese raws, I thought I may as well edited them while reading through the sludge that is MTL site translations.

Took me two days to go through one chapter and it’s hell on earth to be puzzling through these raws without pictures to kinda give me hints on what’s happening. Still, I thought the first chapter ended up just fine.

Wish me luck!




  hours  minutes  seconds


CHAPTER 17.2: Are You A Princess? The Kind With A Ruined Reputation

Published by Baka Bunman

Just a bunman trying to get through life.

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